Rivière aux cerises
- Description
Rivière aux cerises was first presented at the Articule gallery as a four-screen installation arranged in a rectangle. Many of the characteristics present in this work would recur from one production to the next in various guises: surface effects enhancing the artificiality of both images and electronic sounds, the enhancement of electronic special effects (solarization, colorization, images within the image thanks to shutters, etc.), desert environments (natural or industrial, river and sand, sand quarry, etc.) in which a performer or dancer - in this case Ginette Prince - moves. The relationship between body and environment is a central motif in her work.
Jean Gagnon in "VIDÉOCAMÉLÉON : Chroniques de l'art vidéo au Québec, de Vidéo Véhicule à PRIM vidéo, 1972-1992" https://www.cinematheque.qc.ca/fr/dossiers/videocameleon-de-video-vehicule-a-prim-1972-1992/chantal-dupont/ (our translation)
- Director
- Chantal Dupont
- Year
- 1986
- Language
- French
- Country
- Canada
- Duration
- 15 min
Chantal Dupont
- Works to document
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